Vol. 12, Issue 3, 2024

Reviving Handwriting in Education: Examining the Relationship Between Handwriting Skills and Academic Performance in Primary School Pupils

Abidogun Babajide Gboyega & Olagunju Isioma Stella


Handwriting involves writing with materials like paper and pencil, although there
has been a gradual propensity towards the use of technology, thus threatening its
usage, however the importance of Handwriting cannot be overemphasized in
literacy and other subjects taught in the early years. Basically, literacy is the ability
to read and write. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between pupils’ handwriting on their academic performance. A descriptive survey research design
was adopted. The study was conducted in three selected public schools’ public
Primary schools in Ojo Local Government. The findings indicated that there was a
significant relationship between handwriting and the academic performance of
pupils in Literacy. The study therefore recommended that Handwriting should not
be allowed oblivion; rather it should form a strong basis for the teaching of related
life skills like calligraphy, creative arts and so on for economic empowerment and
consequently poverty eradication. It was also recommended that that the teacher
should employ the system of letter formation activities at the place of pre-writing
activities methods. More teachers should be trained so as to help other teachers in
that direction.


Keywords:Handwriting skills,learning, academicperformance,Literacy, Assessment

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