Vol. 12, Issue 3, 2024

Impact of Online Flipped Classroom on the Academic Performance of Students in Tertiary Institutions, Ogun State

Owoyemi S.O, Ariyibi O.O, Akindoju O.G, & Somade M.A


This research delves into the role of online flipped classrooms in influencing
the academic performance of students within selected tertiary institutions in
Ogun State. It presented three null hypotheses, and employs a descriptive
research design. The study's participant encompasses 165 respondents, consisting of 150 students and 15 lecturers drawn from three simple-randomly
selected tertiary institutions. To gather data, a self-constructed questionnaire
titled Open Online Flipped Classroom on Students’ Academic Performance
(OFCSAP) was designed to the study's objectives and serves as the primary
instrument. The analysis of data was carried out using Chi-square inferential
statistic, facilitated by the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) at a
significance level of 0.05. The outcomes of the investigation revealed notable
improvement in Academic Performance of students when employing the
online flipped classroom approach in the process of teaching and learning. Additionally, the study identifies a significant impact of the online flipped
classroom approach on student performance, along with an enhanced capacity
for educators to provide valuable feedback within this teaching method. As a
result of these findings, the study advocates for the active engagement of
lecturers in incorporating the online flipped classroom approach into their
instructional practices. This pedagogical shift is anticipated to augment
students' comprehension and grasp of subject matter, ultimately leading to
enhanced academic performance within their courses.


Keywords: Flipped Classroom, online learning, academic performance, tertiary education

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