Vol. 12, Issue 3, 2024

The Proliferation of Higher Education, Moral and Ethical Poverty in Lagos State, Nigeria

Lawal Bolanle Saidat


This paper examines moral and ethical poverty among citizens of Lagos State, Nigeria, in the context of the proliferation of higher education. By drawing upon a range of existing research, this paper investigates the causes of moral and ethical poverty among Lagos State citizens in Nigeria. The rapid increase in enrollment has outpaced the State's resources, causing overcrowding and lack of high-quality educational options, according to the argument that the decline in moral and ethical values among citizens is largely due to the astronomical growth of higher education. Consequently, citizens lack the necessary breadth of knowledge and understanding of ethical issues. Furthermore, it is suggested that the current emphasis upon rote learning, combined with a lack of guidance from Lagos State citizens, is contributing to a decline in moral and ethical values among citizens. The conclusion is that the current expansion of higher education is having an adverse influence on the emergence of moral and ethical values among Lagos State residents in Nigeria, and that appropriate efforts should be made to ensure an improved level of education is provided.


Proliferation, Higher education, Ethical values, Enrollment, Moral and ethical poverty.

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