Volume 12 Issue 1, January, 2024

Effects Of Achievement Motivation And Learning Interest On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Islamic Studies Students In Lagos State

Isiaq Oluwatosin, YAHYA., Hajarah Monisola, SANNI., Mikail Poopo, Zakariyah & NASIRU, Basit Adekunle.


This study investigates the effect of achievement motivation and learning Interest on academic performance of secondary school students in Islamic Religious Studies in Lagos State. The study posed three research questions and tested two hypotheses. The study is a descriptive survey design with the population consisting of all 68 public senior secondary schools in Lagos state Education District V and 31,703 Islamic Religious Studies Students. A Sample of 400 SS II Islamic religious studies students were selected using Krejcie and Morgan Sampling Template in 10 randomly selected schools for this study. Descriptive analysis was used to answer the research questions and lineal Regression was used to test hypotheses at α=0.05 level of significance. The study found that the level of Achievement Motivation, Learning Interest, and Academic Performance were all high among senior secondary schools Islamic Studies Students in Lagos State. Also that Achievement Motivation and Learning Interest does not have significant influence on the Academic Performance of senior secondary schools Islamic Studies Students in Lagos State. Based on these findings, it was recommended among others that the school, teacher and home should provide students with adequate achievement motivations and also that Students should show high level of level of Learning Interest and commitment in the study of Islamic studies, in order to reinforce learning and enhance their academic performance.


Academic Performance, Achievement Motivation, Islamic Religious studies, Learning Interest

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