Volume 12 Issue 1, January, 2024

Cultural Variables And Early Childhood Caregivers’ Service Delivery In Lagos

Abidogun Babajide G.& Bamitogba Modupe Omolayo


Caregivers service delivery in early childhood care centres are affected by cultural factors resulting in poor input among caregivers. This tends to deprive caregivers of been effective, which in turn affects the child’s Psychomotor, Affective and Cognitive development. The survey research design was adopted, whereas the multistage sampling procedure was used. The simple random sampling technique was used to obtain a sample size of 300 participants across 3 Local Government Areas (LGA) of Lagos State namely Ojo, Badagry and Alimosho LGAs. 3 research instruments were adopted for this study. The instruments used were “Quality of Childcare Scale” (= 0.78), “Religiosity Scale” (=0.74), “Belief and Value scale” (=0.79). Multiple regression was used to establish the causal linkages among the independent and dependent variables at 0.05 level of significance. The results indicate a joint contribution of the independent factors (belief and values; religiosity and tribes) on early childhood caregivers service delivery in Lagos State (R2=0.065, P<0.05). The ANOVA result shows a significant contribution of the independent variables on the dependent variable (F=3,296) = 6.861, P< 0.05). The result also indicates significant relative contribution of the independent variables to early childhood care givers service delivery. (Belief and values; = 0.459, t=5.042, P<0.05: Religiosity; =0.241, t=4.279, P< 0.05: tribe; =0.044, t= 2.181, P< 0.05). Belief and values, religiosity and tribe are important factors in early childhood caregiver service delivery in Lagos State. The study concluded that that beliefs and values, religiosity and tribe are relevant factors for successful caregivers’ service delivery in care giving centres. The study recommended that the aforementioned factors should be integrated as part of requirement for management of early childhood care centres


: Caregiver, Early Childhood, Service delivery, Cultural factors, Nigeria

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