Volume 12 Issue 1, January, 2024
Poverty-Induced Stress As Predisposing Factor To Social Media Addiction Among Students In Secondary Schools In Lagos State.
Ayodeji. O. Badejo & Oriade, Modupeola Deborah
Social media is a collective term for applications which focus on communication and interaction among people. It has been discovered that some young people use social media as a way of escape from poverty-induced stress. Social media could be overused, thereby leading to its addiction with its attendant unpleasant consequences. Therefore, this paper examined poverty-induced stress as predisposing factor to social media addiction among secondary schools’ students. The study adopted descriptive survey with one research question and two hypotheses. The sample consisted of 155 students randomly drawn from four senior secondary schools in Lagos State. A 35-item questionnaire, “Poverty-induced Stress and Social Media Addiction Questionnaire†(PSSMAQ) was used for data collection, with Cronbach Alpha reliability index of 0.87. Data analysis was carried out with the use of percentages, t-test and ANOVA. The first hypothesis was rejected while the second one was not rejected. Results showed that the level of poverty-induced stress of most students was very high; that poverty-induced stress greatly influences social media addiction among them and that their addiction is not age-specifics. It is therefore, recommended that there is a need for counsellors to make use of some appropriate therapies and follow up in order to prevent relapse. Conclusively, Counsellors are expected to assist students reduce their poverty-induced stress, so that their tendency to be addicted to social media could be minimized.
Poverty-induced Stress, Predisposing Factor, Social Media Addiction, Students
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