Volume 12 Issue 1, January, 2024

Efficacy Of Self-Control Therapy On The Management Of Academic Stress Among Students In Lagos State Tertiary Institutions: Intervention For Poverty Alleviation

Adenle, Suliamon Adekunle, Obadofin, Olabisi & Etobro, A. Benjamin


Confronting challenges such as awful traffic situations, erratic electricity supply, inadequate learning environments, dilapidated equipment and other excruciating academic challenges has become a daily occurrence among some students in tertiary institutions. These challenges can eventually lead to strained relationship, poor academic performance, stress and poverty. This study therefore, examined impact of self-control therapy on the management of academic stress among students in Lagos State tertiary institutions. The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design. The sample for this study consisted of 112 students drawn from two Lagos State tertiary institutions using Multistage sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was a self-designed, 20-item questionnaire titled: “Stress Assessment Scale” (SAS). The instrument was validated by three experts in the field of psychometrics and its reliability coefficient obtained through the Cronbach Alpha reliability stood at 0.91. The study was guided by two research questions and two hypotheses. The researchers conducted eight-week treatment sessions for participants in the experimental group and their pretest and posttest scores were obtained. Data obtained from the instrument was analyzed using percentages, mean, standard deviation and ANCOVA. The first hypothesis was rejected while the second was not rejected. Results showed that self-control therapy has significant effect in reducing academic stress among students and that this reduction is not gender-based. Therefore, there is need for authorities in tertiary institutions to establish functional counselling centres, employ more qualified counsellors. On their part, counsellors should always use self-control therapy in assisting student manage their academic stress via online or offline platforms.


Academic Stress, Self-control Therapy, Students, Tertiary Institutions

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