Volume 12 Issue 1, January, 2024

Harnessing Science Education for Future Transformation in Nigeria

Jolaoluwa Grace T, Mustapha Abiodun G, Salami Sahdat A, Ogundeji Rebecca and Oluwagbemi Ebunoluwa R.


Science education (SE) is a key factor for fostering innovation, creativity and problem-solving skills in the 21st century. However, many challenges and gaps remain in the provision and quality of SE not only in Nigeria, but across the world. This paper aims to explore how SE can be transformed to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations, by addressing four research questions on the trends, issues, best practices and models, and alignment of SE with global agendas. Literature, texts, books, articles and journals were used as primary source of data gathering in order to provide a comprehensive and critical analysis of the state of SE and its implications and recommendations for policy makers, educators, researchers and stakeholders. The paper highlighted the challenges and opportunities that SE faces in the 21st century. The paper concluded that SE should not only convey scientific knowledge and facts, but also develop the learners' abilities to think critically, creatively, and collaboratively, to solve complex problems, and to engage with ethical and societal issues related to science and technology. Some strategies and recommendations for enhancing SE were proposed in order to have SE that can guarantee future transformation in Nigeria.


Science education, transformation, Innovation, Problem-solving skills and sustainable future

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