Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024

A Catalyst for Poverty Alleviation Among People with Disabilities in Nigeria.

MOHAMMED Olalekan. A


Most Nigerians struggle daily to make ends meet, these hardship becomes consistent in order to provide basic needs of life for themselves and their family. Inability to meet these needs put them at risk of poverty. People with disabilities are not exempted from this situation. Individuals with disabilities are more vulnerable to poverty based on the fact that they face discrimination, stigma, ridicule, marginalization, and rejection which predispose them to various form of exclusion in the society. Majority of people with disabilities are deprived access to basic education despite the fact that education of learners with special needs is free at elementary level. People with disabilities engaged in menial job due to lack of formal education and inability to secure better lucrative job. This paper provides insight into the concepts of Inclusive education benefits and obstacles within the Nigeria context. Inclusive education is designed to educate, empower, provide job opportunities and alleviate poverty that defined people with disabilities in most developing countries, including Nigeria. To tackle this ugly situation, there is need for more concerted efforts in ensuring quality inclusive education to alleviate extreme poverty among millions of people with disability. Through full implementation of inclusive education and collaboration of stakeholders, these menace can be drastically reduced.


Inclusive education, poverty alleviation, People with disabilities

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