Vol. 12, Issue 3, 2024

Fusing Tradition with Innovation: Bridging Achievement Gaps in Biology Classrooms Through Blended Learning Strategies

Umar Ayotunde Adam, Adeleye Jeremiah , Munda Lebbie, Ogolo Kehinde Gabriel


This study investigated the effect of the use of blended learning strategy on students’ achievement in biology at the Senior Secondary School level. Two schools were
purposively selected within the area of study. The research design was a quasi- experimental design using the pre-test, post-test non-equivalent group design. The
instrument used to gather data was the Variation and Evolution Achievement Test
(VEAT) which had a reliability coefficient of 0.73. A total of 75 SS2 biology students
comprising 45 females and 30 males participated in the study. The experimental
group was taught with the blended learning strategy while the control group was
taught with the traditional lecture method. The data (pre-test and post-test scores)
collected was anlaysed using ANCOVA since the participants were not randomly
assigned to the groups. The study found a statistically significant difference between
the performance of students taught using blended learning and those taught with the
traditional lecture method [F(1,71) = 137.19; p < .05]. Hence, the study concluded
that blended learning is a potent strategy for improving students’ performance in
biology and promoting meaningful learning. Based on the findings of this study, we
recommended that the government and school proprietors should strive to provide the
basic technological facilities such as computers, projectors, projector screens, and
internet facilities that will be needed by the teachers to deliver effectively.


Blended Learning Strategy, Biology, Achievement

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