Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024

Effect of Tax Reforms on Revenue Performance of Kwara State Internal Revenue Service

Tajudeen Idera Abdulmajeed, Gbenga Festus Babarinde, Sa’adatu Ibrahim Khaleel & Hamzat Kabir Mohammed


This study examined the effect of tax reforms on revenue performance of Kwara State Internal Revenue Service, for the period, January 2018 to November 2022, using three cointegrating regression techniques: Fully Modified Least Squares (FMOLS), Dynamic Least Squares (DOLS), and Canonical Cointegrating Regression (CCR)). In line with ex-post facto research design, monthly time series data were obtained from secondary source, that is, the annual financial statements of the Kwara State Internal Revenue Service. The study focused on tax revenues from corporate entities, Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), and tertiary educational institutions in Kwara State, as explanatory variables while the total internally generated revenue of Kwara State Internal Revenue Service was the dependent variable. Empirically, the study indicates that tax revenues from corporate entities and tertiary educational institutions had positive and significant effects on revenue performance of Kwara State Internal Revenue Service. Also, tax revenue from MDAs had positive but nonsignificant effect on revenue performance of Kwara State Internal Revenue Service. It can be concluded that tax reforms, evidenced by tax revenues from corporate entities and tertiary educational institutions, significantly enhanced revenue performance of Kwara State Internal Revenue Service. The study recommends the diversification of revenue sources in Kwara State through various tax reforms geared towards expanding the State revenue generation in both short and long runs.


Tax reforms, Internally Generated Revenue, Performance, Taxation, Kwara Sate Internal Revenue Service.

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