Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024

Assessing the Awareness and Usability of Artificial Intelligence Software Among Secondary School Teachers

ADEKUNLE Adekemi Olanike, AKINDOJU O. G, FAMUYIDE Alaba Johnson, OGOLO Kehinde Gabriel, ABIOLA Olaide Kazeem & ADEYEFA Adesiyan Kolawole


This study aimed to assess the Awareness and Usability of Artificial Intelligence Software Among Secondary School Teachers. A descriptive survey design was employed, involving 174 secondary school teachers from Lagos State educational district V. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study, and a questionnaire was used to gather quantitative data. The Artificial Intelligence Software Awareness and Usability Among Secondary School Teachers Questionnaire (AISAUSSTQ) with a reliability coefficient of 0.74 was utilized to gather the quantitative data for the study. The findings revealed that though secondary teachers are aware of AI in education, majority of them do not know how it works, secondary school teachers have a high level of usability of AI software and that there is no statistically significant impact of gender on the level of awareness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) software among secondary school teachers. (t (172) = -1.696; p = 0.92). It was concluded that there was a poor level of awareness and knowledge among pre service teachers. It was recommended that pre-service teacher training programs should integrate AI concepts to enhance pre-service teachers’ understanding and awareness of AI and its application


Awareness, Usability, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software, Secondary school, Teachers

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